Thursday, 6 March 2014

Delta Photographs

This information will be useful for the Grade Eight Critical Level Assignment on the lay out of photos...

Here are the dimensions and numbers of the photos that need to be hung... (all measurements in inches)

10 1/4" X 8 1/4" - 2 photos -2005, 2009

14 1/4" X 11 1/4" -5 photos -2009-10, 2011, 2012, 2013, undated

20 1/4" X 16 1/4" -2 photos -2011-12, 2012-13

24 1/4" X 10 1/4" -1 photo -2004-05

30 1/4" X 10 1/4" -3 photos -2011-12, 2012-13 (2)

30 1/4" X 12 1/4" -1 photo -undated

When you plan for this, remember to find out which wall they will be hung on and think about future pictures... will there be room for more? Make sure you actually look at the photos before completing the assignment -what will you do about duplicates or cases where you have the same people in two separate photos? Good luck...

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